2008 Oct 18

Name assoc
Ver 95 ...
View or edit file name extension associations by using the assoc command or in
Windows Explorer when you click Folder Options on the Tools menu, and then click the
File Types tab. The format that is used to display the file types may differ depending on
which method you use. For example, the "txtfile" file type that is used by the assoc
command is displayed in Windows Explorer as "Text Document".
Syntax assoc [.ext[=[FileType]]] [/?]
and Switches
.ext Specifies a file name extension
FileType Specifies the file type with which you want Windows to associate the specified
file name extension
1) To display a list of current file associations, type assoc at 
   the command prompt, and then press ENTER. A list of file name 
   extensions and their  current file type associations is displayed
   in the Command Prompt window.
2) To display a list of current file associations one screen at a time,
   type assoc |more at the command prompt, and then press ENTER.
3) To display a list of current file associations and redirect the
   output to the C:\Assoc.txt file, type assoc > c:\assoc.txt at the
   command prompt, and then press ENTER.
4) To display the current file type association for a specific file 
   name extension, type assoc .ext, where .ext is the extension whose
   association you want to view, and then press ENTER. For example:
      assoc .doc
5) To edit a file association, type assoc=FileType, where FileType is
   file type that you want to associate with the extension, and then
   press ENTER. 
See also

External Links: Ref1 Ref2
